8 Simple Ways To Detox Your Home

detox your home


Making your home healthier and greener doesn’t have to be expensive or overwhelming. Just a few changes can improve the health of your home, everyone’s health living in it -- and the health of the Earth, of course.

Creating a clean and toxin-free home environment is crucial for maintaining optimal health. Indoor air is often by far more polluted than outdoor air, making it essential to eliminate toxins from your living space.

We can be exposed to chemicals in many ways – from what we eat to what we clean our homes with and what we store and accumulate in it. While they are part of our daily lives, there are many good reasons why you should avoid some of these harsh chemicals and reduce toxicity levels as much as you can, leaving you with a less contaminated, purer home. 

Here are 8 tips to reduce indoor pollution and make your home a safe haven:

1. Ditch Scented Products

detoxify your home

Most scented products, such as candles and plug-in air fresheners, contain endocrine disruptors and a myriad of other toxic chemicals. These substances interfere with your hormonal balance, lungs, skin, sinuses and even eyes, whether you are aware of it or not…basically, your overall health is compromised.

The smaller the individuals (children and pets) are compared to you, the more affected they are by these chemicals. Whenever possible, opt for unscented or naturally scented products. Essential oils can be a great alternative (make sure the ones you choose are safe for pets and small children), providing pleasant aromas without harmful side effects.


  • Use essential oil diffusers instead of synthetic air fresheners.
  • Choose beeswax or organic soy (as most soy is GMO and full of pesticides) candles with natural scents and wicks.
  • Avoid products labeled with “fragrance” or “parfume,” as those words mean “containing hundreds of undisclosed chemicals”.
  • FREE option: you really do NOT need any “scents” added to your home. Once your home is filled with only natural products, you will LOVE its natural smell as it is : ) and will not even think of the “need” to put any “air-freshener scents” into it.

2. Switch to Natural Cleaning Products

Chemically laden soaps, shampoos, detergents, and cleaning products contribute significantly to indoor pollution. Instead, use natural cleaning agents like baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils. These alternatives are not only effective but also safe for you, your children, your pets, and the environment.

When it comes to cleaning yourself….your skin and hair, look around your bathroom and replace everything with non-toxic, organic, 100% natural products….like our Cleansing Bars and Shampoo Bar.


  • Mix vinegar and purified / filtered water for an all-purpose cleaner.
  • Use baking soda as a scrubbing agent for tough stains.
  • Add a few drops of essential oils for a pleasant scent.

3. Avoid Non-Stick Cookware

rustic old pan

Non-stick cookware releases toxic fumes when heated, which can be harmful to both humans and pets. Did you know that birds are especially sensitive to these fumes, which can be lethal to them!? Opt for stainless steel, cast iron, or ceramic cookware to ensure a safer cooking environment.


  • Invest in high-quality stainless steel or cast iron pans.
  • Season cast iron cookware properly to prevent sticking.
  • Avoid overheating any type of cookware to reduce the release of toxins.

4. Choose Organic Furniture and Mattresses


old matress


This takes an investment but can be budgeted for when planning ahead. Unless completely natural and / or organic, new furniture and mattresses emit VOCs, contain fire retardants and other harmful chemicals.

When purchasing new items, look for organic options or consider using second-hand items that have already off-gassed over time. This approach minimizes your exposure to toxins while supporting a cleaner home environment.


  • Look for certifications like GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) for mattresses and furniture.
  • Choose furniture made from solid wood rather than particleboard.
  • Consider second-hand options that have already off-gassed and have much less in them to “emit”.

5. Use VOC-Free Paint

kinds with pain in their hands

When painting your home, choose VOC-free or organic paints. These paints do not release harmful chemicals into the air, making them a safer option for both your health and the environment.


  • Look for paints labeled as low-VOC or zero-VOC.
  • Ensure proper ventilation during and after painting.
  • Use natural paint brands that avoid synthetic chemicals.

6. Maximize Ventilation

Opening windows and doors

Opening windows and doors whenever possible helps to improve indoor air quality by allowing fresh air to circulate. This simple practice can significantly reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants.


  • Open windows for at least 15-20 minutes daily in every room.
  • Use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Install window screens to keep bugs out while airing your home.

7. Incorporate House Plants

house plants

House plants are natural air purifiers, capable of removing toxins from the air. Place plants in various rooms to enhance air quality and add a touch of nature to your home.


  • It is commonly advised to choose plants known for air-purifying qualities, like spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies…but the truth is, it’s the soil (or the microbes in the soil) they are sitting in that is doing much of the work. So, pick favorites and go with what is save for your pets. 
  • Place plants in areas with good sunlight exposure.
  • Water plants regularly and ensure proper drainage to prevent mold growth.

8. Use Activated Charcoal


activated charcoal


Activated charcoal is excellent for adsorbing unwanted substances from the air. To tackle specific areas with bad or toxic smells, open a jar of activated charcoal powder and cover it with cheesecloth. Place it out of reach of pets and children to safely purify the air.


  • Place activated charcoal in small (covered with cloth) bowls around the house.
  • Use activated charcoal bags in closets and drawers.
  • Open one of our hars and secure a piece of cloth on top of it with a rubber band. Place it in your fridge and/or any space that needs cleaner air and a better smell.
  • Replace charcoal every few months to maintain effectiveness.

The Bottom Line

Implementing a full-body detox cleanse at home involves more than just dietary changes. By removing toxic products, choosing healthier alternatives, and incorporating natural remedies, you can create a cleaner, safer living environment. This holistic approach to detoxification supports both your home and your body's health, leading to a happier, healthier life.

By following these steps, you can effectively reduce your exposure to harmful substances and support your body's natural detox processes. Remember, a clean home is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle.

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